Page 5 - Belgian Brain Council 2012
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Belgian Brain Congress 2012 | Be Brain Connected


08.45-09.00 Welcome and Opening ceremony with a statement by Mrs e. tillieux, Walloon Minister of Health

Chair: S. Laureys (ULg) & R. Vogels (KUL)
InformatIon capturIng and processIng by the braIn and when It goes wrong
09.00-09.30 Neuronal mechanisms of perception - H. Op de Beeck (KULeuven; Donders Instituut Nijmegen)
09.30-10.00 Effects of brain lesions on perception - G. Humphreys (Oxford University)
the attendIng braIn and when It breaks down
10.00-10.30 Neuronal mechanisms of attention - S. Treue (Goettingen University)
10.30-11.00 Structural brain lesions and defcits of selective attention - R. Vandenberghe (KUL)
11.00 -12.30 Poster session and Coffee break
Poster Chair: W. Fias (UG), S. Schiffmann (ULB), E. Salmon (ULg)
11.30-12.30 Workshop 1 - Chair: B. Dubois (KUL) & C. Tihon (MS League)
cognition in multiple sclerosis
Introductory lecture: G. Nagels (National MS Center Melsbroek)
Interactive patient - neuroscientist forum
Workshop 2 - Chair: N. Zdanowicz (UCL), R. Müller (Ups & Downs) & E. Bertrand (Similes)
cognition in depression - C. Baeken (UG) & K. Audenaert (UG)
12.30-13.30 Poster session and Lunch
Poster Chair: W. Fias (UG), S. Schiffmann (ULB), E. Salmon (ULg)
12.30-13.30  Lunch Symposium sponsored by allergan
Chair: J. Schoenen (ULg) 
Chronic Migraine: a challenge for diagnosis and management
- Differential diagnosis - K. Paemeleire (UG)
- Cognitive and psychological aspects of chronic migraine - G. Crombez (UG)
- Results of the PREEMPT trials - M. Vandenheede (CHC-Liège)

memory processIng and when It faIls
Chair: P. Cras (UA) & P. Peigneux (ULB)
13.30-14.00 New perspectives on the neurobiology of memory - G. Fernandez (Donders Center for Neuroscience, Nijmegen)
14.00-14.30 Memory impairments in dementia: Which memory and how does it fail? - E. Salmon (ULg)
14.30-15.30 Workshop 3 - Chair: R. Vandenberghe (KUL) & S. Henry (Alzheimer League)
new diagnostic criteria for alzheimer’s disease: from research to clinic
- New diagnostic criteria: history and added value - P. De Deyn (UA)
- CSF biomarkers and cognitive measures as predictors of evolution in Mild Cognitive Impairment - A. Ivanoiu (UCL)
Medico-social workshop 4 (in honor of Frank Boeye - Werkgroep Hersentumoren) 
Chair: G. Franco (EplC), Ch. van der Straten Waillet (Belgian MS Society) & M. Mormal (Aidants Proches)
how to keep patients at home with a good quality of life?
- The impact of cognitive disturbances on quality of life
- Needs and expectations: social perspectives, modern technologies
what Is It to be conscIous or unconscIous?
15.30-16.15 Keynote lecture introduced by A. Cleeremans (ULB)
psychological and physiological signatures of consciousness - S. Dehaene (Collège de France)
16.15-16.30 Coffee break
the braIn’s ceo and when It becomes Incompetent
Chair: M. Gonce (ANLLF) & X. Seron (UCL)
16.30-17.00 Executive control and prefrontal functions - J. Duncan (Cambridge University)
17.00-17.30 Impairments of executive functions - G. Vingerhoets (UG)
17.30-17.45 Closing ceremony and presentation of poster prizes

17.45-18.45 Farewell cocktail
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